STEMON BANGLADESH has started Online Programming Course for Kids of Class 3 to 9 to enhance the technological knowledge of school level kids of Bangladesh.

STEMON BANGLADESH is the most emerging Japan based after school program for kids to learn STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) subjects. They conduct classes that teaches robotics and programming to children through a curriculum which is made using the MIT-created program SCRATCH. Their aim is to develop Bangladesh’s children’s learning ability through the use of advanced technology and block materials. STEMON BANGLADESH is run by joint collaboration of VENTURAS Ltd. & BIMEE co,.
Having 2 branches in Gulshan-1 & Dhanmondi, STEMON BD used to run Programming & Robotics classes in their both branches practically for school level kids since 2019. But due to the sudden Corona Virus pandemic situation, their regular class activities got stopped. However, we wanted to contribute for the technological betterment of the Kids in this situation also.That’s why, we started offering ONLINE Scratch Programming Course to the Kids. From class 3 to class 9 Kids can join this program. All they need to have a Laptop/PC & good Internet Connection. All the classes are conducted by expert JAPANESE & BANGLADESHI INSTRUCTORS from IT background.

Currently the whole Online programming course is designed for 1 year, divided into 4 levels of 3 month’s each where Kids are learning the Basics about SCRATCH, HTML, CSS, MOONBLOCKS, JAVASCRIPT etc. and after completion of each level, Kids are receiving CERTIFICATES directly issued by STEMON JAPAN. Also targeting to this winter, STEMON BANGLADESH is specially offering ONLINE CODING BOOTCAMP as an Intensive Crash Course for 1 month duration featuring mainly the 1st level of their Regular course.
There are students doing classes via Online from various remote corners of the country like- Cox’s Bazar, Sylhet, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Jhinaidah, Dinajpur, Narayanganj, Rangpur, Bagura, Khulna etc. Not only based on locations, STEMON BANGLADESH online programming classes have students from Diversified Nationalities also. Like- Indian, Srilankan etc. students residing in Bangladesh are also taking classes from STEMON BANGLADESH.
STEMON BANGLADESH is a trustworthy platform working hard unconditionally even in this tough pandemic situation for the technological betterment and mental/brain development of the school level kids of Bangladesh.
Offical Website:
STEMOM BD Facebook page:
Contact about this news: +880 1844-143087 ,