VENTURAS LTD, arranged the 1st INTER-COLLEGE DHAKA ZONAL ACADEMIC QUIZ COMPETITION-2019, (Zone 3 - Tejgoan, Mogbazar, Malibag) where more than 70 Colleges and 10,000 college students involve from all over the Dhaka district. This is one of the biggest parts of, the largest information platform for searching University in Bangladesh, which is also running by Venturas Ltd.
The event was jointly organized by '' and 'United International University'.

YORIKO UEDA, Founder of CEO, VENTURAS LTD. was a chairperson of the program.This took place on Wednesday, 30 January 2019 at 9:00 AM in Auditorium Hall of United International University. Prof. Dr. Chowdhury Mofizur Rahman, Vice Chancellor of UIU, also presented as chief guest in the program.

From Zone 3 (Tejgoan, Mogbazar, Malibag) 10 colleges participated the event. The name of the participant Colleges are-
- Abudharr Ghifari College
- Habibullah Bahar University College
- Purana Paltan Girls School & College
- Dhaka Biggan College
- Govt. Science College
- Tejgaon College
- Siddeswari University College
- Dhaka Imperial College
- Meherunnesa Girls School & College
- Kadamtala Purbo Bashabo High School & College

Including The quiz the Contest designed with interesting Workshops and the most amazing "Open Field Quiz Contest" game for students which held on the open field and at the end "Award Giving Ceremony".

these are WINNER teams -
Champion: Govt. Science College
1st runner up: Kadamtala Purba Basabo School & College(Team 2)
2nd runner up: Kadamtala Purba Basabo School & College(Team 1)
3rd Runner up: Dhaka Imperial College

Yoriko Ueda and Prof. Dr. Chowdhury Mofizur Rahman handed over the Prize.
Thank you all teachers and students for participating this big event, and congratulation once again for the winner teams.
We know our all students are eagerly waiting for the Next Zonal Contest. It will be held on the same place soon.
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