3rd Online Quiz Contest Launched By Campusbd.net on 9th December, 2018. (Play Quiz Now)
Campusbd.net, the largest information platform for searching University in Bangladesh, which is run by VENTURAS LTD, arranges "Inter College Quiz Competition" for college students every month.
The duration is 2 months for participating the quiz and the prize money for winner college is 30,000 BDT (for 2 months). Students from different colleges are already happily joined and participating the quiz.

Our 3rd Online Quiz Contest started from 9th December of 2018 and will be ended on 16th February of 2019. We already started publishing daily result on our Campusbd Quiz Facebook Group. Till today the winner college of this competition is "Govt. S.k College Ramdia Kashiani Gopalganj, Gopalganj". They already scored 67290.00 points and up for the winner position. The participant colleges of this month is 79 from 25 districts, where 571 students joined and participating the competition.

There are still plenty of time left for winning the competition. So,other colleges can work hard and achieve this position. Thanks to all the participants and Best Of Luck to all.