, the largest information platform for searching University in Bangladesh, which is running by VENTURAS LTD, arranged the 1st INTER-COLLEGE DHAKA ZONAL ACADEMIC QUIZ COMPETITION-2018, (Badda- Uttra zone) where more than 70 Colleges and 8400 college students involve from all over the Dhaka district.
1st INTER-COLLEGE DHAKA ZONAL ACADEMIC QUIZ COMPETITION-2018, (Badda- Uttra zone)was jointly organised by '' and 'United International University'.

First of all for this QUIZ CONTEST We divided Dhaka City into 6 zone and started with 12 colleges of Badda- Uttara area. Around 1200 students joined the event. The name of the participant Colleges are
1 Milestone College
2 Uttara Ideal College
3 Rajuk Uttara Model College
4 Armed Police Battalion Public School & College
5 Rotnogorva Farida Jaman School & College
6 Uttara Town College
7 Nawab Habibullah Model School & College
8 Uttara Model College
9 Trust College
10 Uttara Girls' High School & College
11 Queen Mary College
12 National College

The quiz started on 11th December of 2018. The 1st Day of Quiz Contest designed with 1st Round Quiz, interesting Workshops and the most amazing "Open Field Quiz Contest" game for students which held on the open field.

The 2nd Day of Quiz Contest held on 12th December of 2018 and designed with 2nd, 3rd and Final Round Quiz and "Award Giving Ceremony" .

After these 2 exciting days, it was amazing moment to declare the name of Winner Colleges
And the amazing team came from -
Champion:- Uttara Girl's High School & College
1st Runners-up:- Nawab Habibullah Model School & College
2nd Runners-up:- Uttara Model College
3rd Runners-up:- National College

The Prize was handed over by the Chairperson of the event, Prof. Dr. Chowdhury Mofizur Rahman (Vice Chancellor of United International University) and Founder and CEO of Venturas Ltd. Ms Yoriko Ueda.

Thank you all teachers and students for participating this big event, and congratulation once again for the winner teams !!!
We know our all students are eagerly waiting for the Next Zonal Contest. It will be held on the same place soon.
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